What is Systemic Dry Needling
Systemic Dry Needling is a contemporary dry needling approach created by Dr. Yun-tao Ma, based on the works of Dr. Janet Travell, Dr. Chan Gunn, neurophysiology and neuroanatomy, clinical experience, and evidence based research in neuroscience.
Its NOT acupuncture. Besides the use of the acupuncture needle itself, systemic dry needling does not share a theoretical foundation found within traditional Chinese acupuncture. Instead, it is based on the general principles of Western medical science, requiring formal medical education with comprehensive training for both the understanding and practice of the techniques.
Systemic Dry Needling is a highly successful procedure in the use of reducing inflammation not at just the site of injury but through the whole body. The small, thin, virtually pain free needles create a micro lesion into the muscle or tissue. This stimulates your body to release its own healing properties, including increased blood flow, oxygen and nutrients that the body needs to heal. This is all done naturally, without any medication. Systemic dry needling can work on almost any musckuloskeletal/orthopedic condition for the young and elderly as well. It does not matter if your injury is 3 days old or 30 years old, systemic dry needling can still be affective. It is also used quite regularly with athletes who do not have the time to be injured or for that athlete looking for that competitive edge. For more information go to the conditions treated page up top.