Pitching clinic
/As a doctor, division I pitcher and a past starting pitcher for the number 4 ranked team in the country, not to manage being taught be Greg Maddux and his pitching coach as well, I am looking to come down and do a free pitching clinic for athletes of all ages. I am encouraging parents and coaches to attend as well. This is a free session that I would like to do to express my gratitude to the support I have been shown and the hospitality shown by the community. I am also distraught and upset of having athletes coming into my clinic hurt because they don't know the basics and are not training to their optimum levels. If you are interested please voice your opinion by responding to this blog or calling the office at 803.282.9390 and telling Meilnda that you are eager to come and participate. You may also email at GindiPT@comporium.net
thank you
Dr. Gindi